Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Ask Hugo

"Dear Mr. Hugo.
Do you have legs?if not... well, then... where do you end?"
Dan K
Ahh, you are Referring to Ze fact that you cannot see our feet as Ve Valk around?
Vell, Vampires possess a multitude of abilities also held by other so called 'undead' (ghosts and ze like) the ability to levitate is a common one amongst vampires.
As ve are a nocturnal predator species, it makes sense that ve evolved an ability to move around quietly at night. Ze reason you cannot see our feet is because zey are usually hidden under our long cloaks (another common vampiric trait)
if you have a Question for Hugo about the world of Gate Street High, send them to with "Ask Hugo." in the title
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Ask Hugo

Dear Hugo,
How Are young Vampires created?
Well zats more a question for your Mozers and Fahzers. But no Baby Vampires are not created like zey are on TV...
Anne Rice got it so Wrong...
So they are created in ze regular vay. Vampires dont turn into humans if you bite us, vhy would it be the ozer way around? So Vincent vas born in a Vampire Hospital is deepest Transylvania, at 4.1 kg and 34 cm long.
Of course he vas ze most amazing little bundle, I shall endeavour to find some baby photos for you.
if you have a Question for Hugo about the world of Gate Street High, send them to with "Ask Hugo." in the title
Friday, April 9, 2010
Ophidia Profile wallpaper

Ophidia spends her time at the back of most classrooms avoiding the limelight. Here she is front of stage for you.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
So whats in a name?
After a long deliberation we have dedided to shed the 'Schoolies' moniker and renew with the Title of 'Gate St High.'
why may you ask? well firstly Schoolies was always from its early inception going to be a temporary name until we decided on something a bit more solid.
The second reason was from reception, those getting involved often took the title to mean juvinile monsters on holiday causing trouble so we wanted to bring the title in to represent the School its students and its feel.
The show isnt changing beyond that, just the Title.
Happy easter folks
After a long deliberation we have dedided to shed the 'Schoolies' moniker and renew with the Title of 'Gate St High.'
why may you ask? well firstly Schoolies was always from its early inception going to be a temporary name until we decided on something a bit more solid.
The second reason was from reception, those getting involved often took the title to mean juvinile monsters on holiday causing trouble so we wanted to bring the title in to represent the School its students and its feel.
The show isnt changing beyond that, just the Title.
Happy easter folks
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