Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Classic Movies - Gate Street high Style
By Gate Street Animator Adam Harvey - Prints Available Here
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Dear Hugo,
What is the furthest star you can see in the sky with your naked eye?
Ooooh a Challenge. Well ze furthest star you humans can see wiz your naked eye is Mu Cephei, its somevhere in the range of 25 to 50 hundred light years away.
Ze Furzest object you humans can see is the Galaxy M81, at a distance of 12 or so million light years!
Ve vampires see a lot better in ze dark and at a slightly different wavelengz and so can make out a lot more different stars.Of note are 13 Vampire zodiac constellations, like 'Belfrey the Bat' and 'Catacomba the Mausoleum'
if you have a Question for Hugo about the world of Gate Street High, send them to with "Ask Hugo." in the title
Monday, June 28, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
NEW - Gate Street High - T-Shirts - Ophidia, Qing and Belhunty!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Expect the teaser with everyones favourite little blue vampire Vincent soon. Gates Street animators are plugging away at breakneck speed to get it all to you!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Gate Street High at SUPANOVA
Hi folks,
This just in--it's been confirmed, GATE STREET HIGH will be appearing at Supanova Perth this year!
The kind folks at the Film and Television Institute WA Inc (FTI) have given us some space to play with. We will be at Supanova talking about the show, and providing a live animation demonstration as part of the FTI display.
We will have a Gate Street High competition running as well, so keep an eye out for us and you could win a t-Shirt or a spot in the show as a guest character!
This just in--it's been confirmed, GATE STREET HIGH will be appearing at Supanova Perth this year!
The kind folks at the Film and Television Institute WA Inc (FTI) have given us some space to play with. We will be at Supanova talking about the show, and providing a live animation demonstration as part of the FTI display.
We will have a Gate Street High competition running as well, so keep an eye out for us and you could win a t-Shirt or a spot in the show as a guest character!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Vincents very intelligent father answers your questions?
"Dear Hugo,
what keeps the universe together?"
Zat is a very deep qvestion, physically it is a matter of ze forces of Gravity vhich does the job well, but as you might know ze universe is expanding so it could be to something a lot more complex.
I Zeorise a particle that isn't affected by gravity as we know it but acts as a bungee cord for all matter. I call it ze Aurica particle (after my lovely vife, zough she doesn't believe in science because of her gypsy upbringing... but zats another story...) basically vat it does is focus the connections between large bodies like stars and ze further zey get apart ze more ze Aurica partical enacts a stronger force and the connection between zem is stronger. Like a good marriage ze more time has passed the stronger the connection... hmph And zey say i'm not romantic...
"Dear Hugo,
what keeps the universe together?"
Zat is a very deep qvestion, physically it is a matter of ze forces of Gravity vhich does the job well, but as you might know ze universe is expanding so it could be to something a lot more complex.
I Zeorise a particle that isn't affected by gravity as we know it but acts as a bungee cord for all matter. I call it ze Aurica particle (after my lovely vife, zough she doesn't believe in science because of her gypsy upbringing... but zats another story...) basically vat it does is focus the connections between large bodies like stars and ze further zey get apart ze more ze Aurica partical enacts a stronger force and the connection between zem is stronger. Like a good marriage ze more time has passed the stronger the connection... hmph And zey say i'm not romantic...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
An Experiment
one of distant My Ideas is to create a virtual little realm of Dunbarton to explore around and see the GsH locations. This is a LONG TERM GOAL - but here is a little experiment at getting the Gate Street Bus inside the Torque game engine. you cant drive it (yet) but its something i'm playing with.
Like i said - long term - but id like you to see what i'm up to.
Like i said - long term - but id like you to see what i'm up to.
Monday, May 10, 2010
This Thursday 13/5/2010 - and next thursday - 20/5/2010 14:00 to 17:00
We are Looking for the Voices for 5 Gate Street Characters for Short Character Pieces
Tyson - 14 years old - (Minotaur) - the School Bully - he's a bit of a boof-head but does... have a (well hidden) soft gentle side.
Ophidia - 14 years old - (Gorgon) - The loner girl with a talent for the theater. She is prone to staring when angry and likely to turn someone to stone. She comes from a strict Greek family
Bradley - 14 years old - (Human) - Bradley is the Van Helsing to Vincent's Vampire, the Silver bullet To Julius's werewolf. Lead (and only) member of the 'No Monster Club' he aims to rid Gate st of the Monsters because they shouldn't exist
Qing (Ching) - 14 years old - (Chinese Rain Dragon) - Qing is as wild and free as the weather that she controls. She is prone to changes in mood like the weather and transforms into a drogon when she swallows her little blue pearl.
Thomas - 14 years old - (Faun/Satyr) - Thomas is one of the least liked Gate street 'Monsters' Mostly due to his lecherous nature and his propensity to eat garbage, he however is oblivious to the disdain.
Ms Telford - Unknown age - (Human) - The school Nurse - is kind and gentle and a wonder to modern medicine, its a wonder if there is something all together more about her.
Message for an Audition Slot.
We will have text to read from on the day
We are Looking for the Voices for 5 Gate Street Characters for Short Character Pieces
Tyson - 14 years old - (Minotaur) - the School Bully - he's a bit of a boof-head but does... have a (well hidden) soft gentle side.
Ophidia - 14 years old - (Gorgon) - The loner girl with a talent for the theater. She is prone to staring when angry and likely to turn someone to stone. She comes from a strict Greek family
Bradley - 14 years old - (Human) - Bradley is the Van Helsing to Vincent's Vampire, the Silver bullet To Julius's werewolf. Lead (and only) member of the 'No Monster Club' he aims to rid Gate st of the Monsters because they shouldn't exist
Qing (Ching) - 14 years old - (Chinese Rain Dragon) - Qing is as wild and free as the weather that she controls. She is prone to changes in mood like the weather and transforms into a drogon when she swallows her little blue pearl.
Thomas - 14 years old - (Faun/Satyr) - Thomas is one of the least liked Gate street 'Monsters' Mostly due to his lecherous nature and his propensity to eat garbage, he however is oblivious to the disdain.
Ms Telford - Unknown age - (Human) - The school Nurse - is kind and gentle and a wonder to modern medicine, its a wonder if there is something all together more about her.
Message for an Audition Slot.
We will have text to read from on the day
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Ask Hugo
Vincents very intelligent father answers your questions
How come your arms are skin coloured but your face is blue?
Aaron H.
My face (and arms inside ze gloves) are blue due to ze state of ze vampiric biology. Some zink zat its because ve are cold skinned, but zat is not so. Our blood doesn't process oxygen so it wont turn red. Zis and high concentrations of ze element cobalt in our systems adds to our strong blue complexion
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Ask Hugo

"Dear Mr. Hugo.
Do you have legs?if not... well, then... where do you end?"
Dan K
Ahh, you are Referring to Ze fact that you cannot see our feet as Ve Valk around?
Vell, Vampires possess a multitude of abilities also held by other so called 'undead' (ghosts and ze like) the ability to levitate is a common one amongst vampires.
As ve are a nocturnal predator species, it makes sense that ve evolved an ability to move around quietly at night. Ze reason you cannot see our feet is because zey are usually hidden under our long cloaks (another common vampiric trait)
if you have a Question for Hugo about the world of Gate Street High, send them to with "Ask Hugo." in the title
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Ask Hugo

Dear Hugo,
How Are young Vampires created?
Well zats more a question for your Mozers and Fahzers. But no Baby Vampires are not created like zey are on TV...
Anne Rice got it so Wrong...
So they are created in ze regular vay. Vampires dont turn into humans if you bite us, vhy would it be the ozer way around? So Vincent vas born in a Vampire Hospital is deepest Transylvania, at 4.1 kg and 34 cm long.
Of course he vas ze most amazing little bundle, I shall endeavour to find some baby photos for you.
if you have a Question for Hugo about the world of Gate Street High, send them to with "Ask Hugo." in the title
Friday, April 9, 2010
Ophidia Profile wallpaper

Ophidia spends her time at the back of most classrooms avoiding the limelight. Here she is front of stage for you.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
So whats in a name?
After a long deliberation we have dedided to shed the 'Schoolies' moniker and renew with the Title of 'Gate St High.'
why may you ask? well firstly Schoolies was always from its early inception going to be a temporary name until we decided on something a bit more solid.
The second reason was from reception, those getting involved often took the title to mean juvinile monsters on holiday causing trouble so we wanted to bring the title in to represent the School its students and its feel.
The show isnt changing beyond that, just the Title.
Happy easter folks
After a long deliberation we have dedided to shed the 'Schoolies' moniker and renew with the Title of 'Gate St High.'
why may you ask? well firstly Schoolies was always from its early inception going to be a temporary name until we decided on something a bit more solid.
The second reason was from reception, those getting involved often took the title to mean juvinile monsters on holiday causing trouble so we wanted to bring the title in to represent the School its students and its feel.
The show isnt changing beyond that, just the Title.
Happy easter folks
Friday, March 5, 2010
Simon, Vincent, and Julius on Facebook

Simon Jones, Vincent Hugo Baronowski III and Julius Growley are now on Facebook, just search for their names and send them a friend request. (By the way, they don't know we're making a show about it them. Ssh.)
We're trying to get Gloria to join too, but she wants to see how much trouble the boys get into first!
social networking,
Friday, February 26, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Radio + Screening
I'm on the Radio this Afternoon talking Animation - 6EBA 95.3 FM at 4pm - Tune in (you can stream at and i may make a fool of myself, Additionally 2 Of my Films, My Extraordinary Little Sister and Stepmonsters are being Screened at the Fremantle Bohemia Outdoor film Festival, 92 Adelaide Street, Fremantle, today Friday Feb 5th at 7pm, $10 Entry. Come along and check them out. They screen with 'Ponyo'
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Schoolies crew needs more animators!
Ideally, you will:
- be able to draw,
- have at least a basic knowledge of Flash animation,
- be able to work one or more days a week on Thursday, Friday and/or Saturday,
- have a good work ethic.
If you can do some work from home this would be a bonus!
The position is unpaid but you will gain valuable experience in Flash animation, and be trained by some of the best animators in Perth.
If you are keen to gain a headstart in animation (or someone you know is), let me know via the contact details below.
Evangeline Than
Assistant Producer, Schoolies Phone: 0434 848 089
Ideally, you will:
- be able to draw,
- have at least a basic knowledge of Flash animation,
- be able to work one or more days a week on Thursday, Friday and/or Saturday,
- have a good work ethic.
If you can do some work from home this would be a bonus!
The position is unpaid but you will gain valuable experience in Flash animation, and be trained by some of the best animators in Perth.
If you are keen to gain a headstart in animation (or someone you know is), let me know via the contact details below.
Evangeline Than
Assistant Producer, Schoolies Phone: 0434 848 089
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Previous Work By Schoolies Animators
Hi Yall,
To get a taste of Western Australian animation, check out some animation that a bunch of us did as part of the Nick-Shorts initiative
My Extraordianary Little Sister - 1pm January 25th or 5am January 26
The Surprise - 1pm January 27th or 5am January 28th
On the Nickelodeon Channel - Channel 701 on Foxtel / Austar
There are Other shows from WA animators running at 5am/1pm that entire week.
To get a taste of Western Australian animation, check out some animation that a bunch of us did as part of the Nick-Shorts initiative
My Extraordianary Little Sister - 1pm January 25th or 5am January 26
The Surprise - 1pm January 27th or 5am January 28th
On the Nickelodeon Channel - Channel 701 on Foxtel / Austar
There are Other shows from WA animators running at 5am/1pm that entire week.
Friday, January 8, 2010
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